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The heart of SQLFlow is the pipeline configuration file. Each configuration file specifies:

  • Command Configuration
  • Pipeline configuration
    • Source: Input configuration
    • Handler: SQL transformation
    • Sink: Output configuration

The following image shows a sample configuration file:

example configuration file

Every instance of SQLFlow needs a pipeline configuration file. Configuration examples are availble in turbolytics/sql-flow repo:

Command Configuration

Commands are SQL statements during pipeline initialization. Commands allow for ATTACHing databases to the pipeline context. The commands directive is a top level directive in the configuration file.

- name: load extensions
sql: |
INSTALL postgres;
LOAD postgres;

- name: attach usersdb
sql: |
ATTACH '{{ SQLFLOW_POSTGRES_USERS_URI|default('postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/testdb') }}' AS pgusersdb (TYPE POSTGRES, READ_ONLY);

This example loads the DuckDB postgres extension and then attaches the postgres database to the pipeline context. The commands directive is optional.

It contains an array of commands to execute during pipeline initialization. The commands are executed in order.

Pipeline Configuration

The pipeline configuration is the core of SQLFlow. It specifies the input source, handler, and output sink. The top level pipeline directive contains the following keys:

name: <pipeline-name>
description: <pipeline-description>
batch_size: <batch size>

The batch size is the number of rows to process in a single batch. The batch size is optional and defaults to 1.

A batch of 100 means 100 records will be read into SQLFlow before the handler processes the batch.

Source Configuration

SQLFlow currently supports 2 sources:

  • Kafka
  • Websocket

The following shows an example of each:

type: kafka
brokers: [{{ SQLFLOW_KAFKA_BROKERS|default('localhost:9092') }}]
group_id: test
auto_offset_reset: earliest
- "input-simple-agg-mem"
type: websocket
uri: 'wss://'

Notice how each concrete source is located under the corresponding key. When type: kafka the kafka configuration is expected under the kafka key.

Handler Configuration

Handlers are the heart of the SQLFlow pipeline. Handlers contain the SQL to execute against the input source. The handler configuration is located under the handler key.

type: 'handlers.InferredMemBatch'
sql: |

SQLFlow supports 3 handlers:

  • handlers.InferredMemBatch: Infers the table schema using DuckDB Schema Inference, buffers the batch in memory.
  • handlers.InferredDiskBatch: Infers the table schema using DuckDB Schema Inference, buffers the batch in disk.
  • handlers.StructuredBatch: Requires the schema to be specified in the configuration file. This supports either in memory or on disk.

The most important part of the handler is the sql key. This is the SQL to execute against the input batch. The result of the SQL is written to the output sink.

Sink Configuration

SQLFlow supports the following sinks:

  • Console (example)
  • Kafka (example)
  • Postgres (example)
  • Filesystem
  • Iceberg (example)
  • Any output that DuckDB supports through the sqlcommand sink.

User Defined Functions (UDF)

SQLFlow supports User Defined Functions (UDF) in the configuration file.

UDF Supports loading a function from the $PYTHONPATH. This will require that the end user either:

  • Loads their python file (without additional dependencies) into the docker container (such as -v /path/to/ and then adds the /app/plugins to the python path.
  • Create a new dockerfile based on turbolytics/sql-flow and adds copying UDF code and installs requirements, then puts the UDF code on the $PYTHONPATH

Testing Configuration

Environmental Variables